I thought I'd start by posting a few of my own very early ATC's using the design prompts for our upcoming June 17th trading session (crimson, puzzles, shattered) as a jumping off point. So, here's what you see:
Top left: "soft as a feather, love came into my heart". A sort of play on words with red Admit One tickets, a dyed feather and a heart-shaped button. I only made 6 of these. Red feathers may have been hard to come by. (Feb 2004, 6/7).
Top right: "there are mysteries waiting to unfold that the universe is still busy with on our behalf". I woke up with the line running through my head and a notion that it might look cool if I put cheesecloth through a typewriter. Who knows where these ideas come from. (Aug 2004, 2/19).
Bottom left: "?". A page of Polish text, a bit of Dover clipart printed on yellow paper and a hand-carved rubber stamp of a question mark in a speech bubble. It seemed to make sense at the time. Maybe I was puzzled about something and this card seemed the perfect expression of it. (Mar 2003, 19/20).
Bottom right: "Now we are 3". A card I made for the third anniversary of our group. I was thinking about how a 3-year-old child might picture the number 3, or see it in a book. I wanted to keep it simple, so I used the materials the average 3-year-old might use ~ construction paper, a colouring book, a crayon. (Nov 2003, 1/18).
Have you made an ATC for one of the Vancouver group's trading sessions that you'd like to see posted here? Great! Send me a scan, along with a few lines about your materials, methods and inspiration and I'll post it here for you.
~ Penelope, AKA: Your Humble Leader